
Andrés Alcántara

Members: 375€ or 6M
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  • Intaglio, Burin
  • Fabriano Artistico GF 300gr Paper
  • Image Size: 43 x 34 cm
  • Total Size: 70 x 50 cm
  • Date: 2014
  • 30 units
  • Ref.: G34740

Notable sculptor who works stone in direct carving in a process reserved for gifted and great masters, Andrés
Alcántara also chooses here the This is a more difficult path, the arduous use of the Burin. This is An engraving technique, incising the tool with the same name directly onto the metal plate that serves as a matrix. It is distinguished by
the sharpness of its line and its handling requires great dexterity and hand skill.


Andrés Alcántara (b. 1960), an award-winning and recognized Spanish sculptor, has also become famous as an engraver. One of his works has already been published. Distinguished in 2006 at the prestigious Estampa graphic works fair. The dialogue with primitive art became the hallmark of his creation and is ongoing. This is also present in his graphic work. The two series of engravings that we present today, in color variants, evoke aspects of Greek mythology, the Monads (related to the cult of Dionysus and the primitive forces of nature) and the ;Cancerberus, guardian of hell, present in Dante's Divine Comedy, which is associated with the underground world. They reflect at the same time the lines and shapes of the various kingdoms of nature and its creatures, the fluidity of water and air, the sparkle and movement of fire, the irradiation of light, the plant features and veins, of scales and feathers. Labyrinths that stage Chaos and Cosmos, a language of poetic synthesis that reveals an artist's plastic mastery and the full maturity of his expression.

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