Ciuco Gutierrez, Rafael Liaño

Interior Exterior

Nov. 23, 2011 - Dec. 31, 2011
CPS Sede

Spanish Photographers at CPS


Landscape in the Work of Ciuco Gutierrez and Rafael Liaño On November 23rd, the photography exhibition “INTERIOR | EXTERIOR” by recognized Spanish artists: Ciuco Gutiérrez and Rafael Liaño.

According to Liaño, and in tune with modern aesthetics, photography is the most important thing to do. designed not to reproduce reality, but to produce images of the inner reality of its authors, which “use” of the landscape to externalize an idea of that same landscape.

If for Ciuco Gutiérrez, who takes a more poetic stance, there is a connection on the level of metaphor between: “lamp, light, illuminate, landscape and earth”, Liañ ;o, in turn, claims a militant position of denouncing attacks on the environment and fighting for its defense.

Liao's images give us back a “poetics of desolation”, the title of the series represented in this exhibition, a nature that is the subject of speculation. action, vandalism and inattention on the part of those who should love and protect it most, the inhabitants of planet Earth, who are strangely absent from these scenes of gray melancholy. Both are, however, committed to a relationship at the level of art and photography, between the inner world and the outer world, which becomes their expression, after being “shaped” by the very particular perspective of these two exceptional photographers.

Two artists who renew the aesthetics of photography and whose work can be appreciated even in the past. at the end of the year at the Portuguese Screen Printing Center, which produced two magnificent editions for the occasion.