Paul Mathieu

Paul Mathieu

Belgian nationality, born in Brussels in 1953.

Based in Portugal since 1979, he has developed notable work in the field of plastic arts, having an increasingly large and appreciative audience. Several art critics wrote about his works: Eurico Gonçalves, Margarida Botelho, Lurdes Ferias, Edgardo Xavier, Rodriguez Vaz and Lina Cruz-Pinto. He held more than 40 solo exhibitions in 2008 - “30 years of anthological painting” at the Lisbon Water Museum.

He received 3 art awards and is currently working on his career. It is represented in many public and private collections as well as in 9 national museums. He has two tapestries of his works executed by the Tapeçaria de Portalegre manufacture and has published a book by himself “Paul Mathieu, Visual Artist, A Choice of Life”.