Miguel Januário

Miguel Januário

Miguel Januário was born in Porto in 1981.

He started the Communication Design course at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto in 1999. He established himself as a freelancer in the cultural space 'Maus Hábitos', in Porto, where he created his first studio. In 2005, in the academic field, he created the intervention project '± MAISMENOS ±', which became a reference in urban art in the national and international panorama.

In 2009 he moved to Lisbon and continued to develop his personal project alongside other artistic projects. From 2011 to 2013 he was Artistic Director at Ivity Brand Corp. From 2014 he settles in Porto and dedicates himself almost exclusively to the '±' project, taking it to other countries and positioning it in the national and international art scene. The project is also the focus of Miguel Januário's current doctoral research at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto.

Under the banner '± MaisMenos ±', he has produced diverse creative works, both indoors and outdoors, in a variety of visual media, from video to installation, painting to performance. In addition to numerous public art interventions in several countries, the project was also shown in individual and group exhibitions in various institutional contexts, of which the Vera Cortês Gallery (Lisbon, 2010), MACE-Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Elvas ( Elvas, 2011, 2014), Underdogs Gallery (Lisbon, 2013, 2014, 2015), Caixa Cultural (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Brasília, 2014), Côa Museum (Vila Nova de Foz Côa, 2015), Art Center Contemporary Graça Morais (Bragança, 2015), MUDE-Museum of Design and Fashion (Lisbon, 2016), MACRO-Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome (Rome, 2016), Wunderkammern Gallery (Rome, 2017), Celaya Brothers Gallery (City do México, 2018), Arco Lisboa (Lisbon, 2018), WTF Gallery (Bangkok, 2018) and art festivals and events such as Walk&Talk (São Miguel, Azores, 2011), Guimarães European Capital of Culture (Guimarães, 2012), La Tour Paris 13 (Paris, 2013), Wool Festival (Covilhã, 2014), Nuart Festival (Stavanger, 2014, 2017), TrashPlant Festival (Tenerife, 2018), Roskilde Festival (Roskilde, 2018), Forgotten Project (Rome, 2016) and Urban [R]evolution (Lisbon, 2023) .

As part of the 30 years of CPS in 2015, he participates in the exhibition "1/81" at the Côa Museum, curated by Paulo Arraiano, for which he creates the serigraphy "A Loan" at Atelier CPS.

The ‘±MaisMenos±’ project was also the subject of two TED talks, TEDxLuanda (Luanda, 2014) and TEDxPorto (Porto, 2015), as well as other lectures.


Photo: Miguel Januário with Mestre Marçal, Atelier CPS / April 2015