Christine Enrègle

Christine Enrègle

Christine Enrègle, visual artist, born in 1973 in Suresnes (Paris), PhD in Visual Arts from the University Paris, Panthéon-Sorbonne (2008), is Professor of Visual Arts at the Escola Superior de Design, Condé, in Paris.
During her doctorate, she received university scholarships to study in Brazil, at the Escola de Belas Artes de Belo Horizonte ( Federal University of Minas Gerais, UFMG).
She was the first artist in residence at the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, in 2004 and is participating this 2017 in several residencies. artistic activities in France and abroad, in particular in Lisbon where there is already a wide range of activities. He exhibited at the National Society of Fine Arts, in 2020 and at the National Museum of Natural History, in 2022.