José Faria was born in 1940 and soon began drawing and engraving, first at the António Arroio School, then at the Sociedade Cooperativa de Gravadores Portugueses “Gravura”, in Lisbon. He was a professor of drawing, engraving and painting in several institutions and, throughout his life, he created and organized several engraving, drawing and painting school-workshops, particularly in Málaga, in Tavira and Lisbon. With two dozen solo exhibitions and more than forty group exhibitions, Joséé Faria is He is represented in several museums in Europe and South America. He has been awarded several national and international awards, including the CGP Career Grand Prize. Since 2008, he has worked and taught at Ponto de Luz Atelier, in Lisbon, where he exhibits regularly.
Centro Português de Serigrafia © 2025
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