“…I still don't know if you believe in certain things, just as I don't know if I believe in them. I just watch, notice them passing by. Lots of imagination, naturally. But imagination doesn't invent; connect, coordinate. Like you with your latest collages…”
Letter from Cesariny to Cruzeiro Seixas, Paris, 1970.
The Portuguese Screen Printing Center pays once again a deserved tribute toArtur Cruzeiro Seixas, the greatest figure of Portuguese Surrealism and one of the exponents of international Surrealism, with the exhibition “Suggestions for the Future” which opens at its Headquarters on November 21st. The exhibition presents around twenty recent original collages by Cruzeiro Seixas inserted in his particular surrealist imagery.
By cutting, pasting and freely associating fragments of silkscreen images with different types of paper, the artist experiences the multiple senses that this activity promotes and his way of intervening in the recreation of vision dreamscape of the world. Despite his eighty-eight years of age, or perhaps because of it, Cruzeiro Seixas persists in the idea and audacity of imagination motivated by the memory of love and youth, still demonstrating the freshness and vitality of ever. The CPS also presents, simultaneously, a historical edition of six unprecedented silkscreens created with the greatest care, including dry engraving and gold or silver printing, where the artist recomposes and transfigures some of your best work.
As a complement to the During the exhibition, the artist selected three sculptures by Isabel Meyrelles inspired by his work.
About the aesthetics evident in the current exhibition, Maria João Fernandes says:
“The work of Cruzeiro Seixas reveals to us a world in eternal metamorphosis, which is not a reality. a mirror of the real, but its inside unknown, with the movement of a communion between all the kingdoms and their creatures, where nothing ever seems to have a definitive form, a regime of Eros, of an alchemical fusion; which does not, however, prevent us from glimpsing clarity, the light of the contents of a rationality returned to the sources of the imaginary”. According to the same criticism “in painting by Cruzeiro Seixas, as in his poetry, the registers of the conscious and the unconscious are mixed within a fascinating and dazzling kaleidoscope of images, where each one must search, between dreamy lucidity and lucid dream, the Ariadne's thread, capable of leading to key to secret knowledge, the "ultimate Science" that poetry and fine poetry always contain.” The German critic Hellmut Wohl spoke about the artist and considers his paintings, collages and drawings to be "the largest, most coherent and most significant set of surrealist expression made by a Portuguese artist." ”