Joseph Beuys, Paula Rego, Salvador Dalí, Xavier

The Greatness of the Multiple

Oct. 6, 2009 - Oct. 31, 2009
CPS Sede

It is patent at the Portuguese Screen Printing Center until October 31st, a collective exhibition of graphic work by some of the exponents of Portuguese and international plastic arts with the common characteristic that the graphic work, in these artists, plays great importance in the context of your entire plastic creation. With regard to national artists, a set of engravings by Paula Rego (from the album “Les Planches Courbes”) and lithographs by Júlio Resende from the series “Goa l’Odeur Couleur” . Spanish art is emerging represented by Antoni Clavé, by Xavier, grandnephew of Picasso (from the set “Perturbations Météorologiques”), by a magnificent set of lithographs and engravings by Antoni Tápies and by the engravings that Salvador Dalí conceived for the “Divine Comedy” of Dante. The art of the German Joseph Beuys, an exponent in the international context and for whom an object can communicate more through repetition, is now being explored. present in several multiples that he carried out within the scope of his project “Difesa della Natura”. The Portuguese Screen Printing Center, currently the largest publisher and disseminator of art in Portugal, gives; continuity between us at all times. noble tradition of engraving in the broadest sense, with notable antecedents in works by the most renowned artists of the past and present, from Durer, Goya and Rembrandt to Matisse, Picasso, Dali, Miró, Vieira da Silva and Tá ;pies among many others. Also in Portugal, graphic work constitutes a fundamental aspect of the artistic expression of our time, representing an essential vehicle of aesthetic dissemination, due to its quality and improvement technician that has been conquering. The CPS, which began its activities in 1985, with the publication of a silkscreen by master Cargaleiro, currently has a notable collection of silkscreen editions that ;ne some of the most notable names on the Portuguese artistic scene today. From the great Masters of the 20th century, such as Júlio Pomar, Hogan, Cruzeiro Seixas, José from Guimarães to young emerging artists, passing through such emblematic movements as neo-realism and surrealism and on an international level Pop Art, New Figuration and the broad lines of abstraction In contemporary times, the Portuguese Screen Printing Center has been creating a unique collection of more than 1000 works that is a unique collection. a true document of the art and culture of our days. In the current exhibition, the aspect that is intended to be documented, “the magnitude of the multiple” which gives a sense to This is a fruitful activity that the CPS has been developing successfully since its creation. about twenty five years.