On October 14th at 4pm, an exhibition of works by José Padua, personal visions of the cities you know and love best, Lisbon and Porto. Spaces reconstructed by the color of memory in faint scripts of a wandering between the real and the dreamlike. The artist who has dedicated himself to recreating the image of Lisbon, following great names such as Almada Negreiros, Carlos Botelho or Maluda, currently presents a set of monotypes (direct painting on the engraving plate transferred to paper), a form of valorization the graphic work that gives it the seduction of a unique work. Familiar images of Porto and Lisbon, the beloved city of poets, with the acrid stain of its 28 tram and some corners that the eye revisits in an itinerary colored by a vibrant palette. José Pádua was born in the city of Beira, Moçambique, in 1934, residing in Lisbon since 1977. He was elected Plastic Artist of 1966 by the newspaper A Tribuna de Moçambique, for the work he developed as a painter, decorator, illustrator and recorder. Between 1974 and 1978 he worked exclusively for the R. Rennie Art Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe. He has exhibited individually since 1962 (Mozambique) and in Portugal since 1964. He has held several exhibitions abroad, in South Africa, Sweden and the USA, continuing to exhibit in Mozambique, his home country. ;s of origin. From 1979 to 1981 he received a scholarship from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, attending metal engraving and lithography courses. In 1980 and 1981 he was awarded 2nd. and 1st. Awards, respectively, in exhibitions on Lisbon themes, by the city's Municipal Council. Your work is represented in numerous private collections in Portugal and abroad, namely in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Angola, Spain, Sweden, Austria, Brazil, Venezuela, USA. , Canada, Israel, Japan and Australia. In addition to having participated in several group exhibitions, he is part of the group A Tertúlia de Artistas de Moçambique which exhibits every year, since 1984, in several countries in the world. He has worked as a sculptor and in tile making and created cement murals in Johannesburg at the Bank of Lisbon & South Africa and Mozambique at the airports of Mavalane and Beira, Banco Pinto & Sotto Mayor, Montepio de Moçambique, Commercial and Industrial Credit Bank, swimming pools at the Beira Railways Sports Complex, Banco de Moçambique and Novocine Cinema. The exhibition will be open. patent until November 14th.