Magda Delgado

Magda Delgado

Natural from Lisbon, the city where he lived until his death. 2013, Magda Delgado is graduated in Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. Represented in several public collections such as the Casa-Museu Medeiros e Almeida and Casa Fernando Pessoa, she received a scholarship from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (2011) and brings together a relevant set of of individual and group exhibitions.

With the financial crisis he left Portugal and lived in several countries, namely England, Germany and Luxembourg. In 2018 he returned to England and now works between Nottinghamshire and Lisbon.

According to the artist, the feeling of inadequacy and conflict with the modern world fostered a discord that manifests itself in her creations. Concepts such as Absolute; Mystery as a mystical vision; Asceticism; Human Condition; Beauty as a mindset and solace; Abyss; Transcendence and Redemption are aspects that are part of his work in the form of Nature-without-Man.

His work process began to focus substantially on Ekphrasis as a method, a “doing” with an ascetic attitude, as well as a process for studying previous procedures. In part, it is a reaction to the It is a postmodern heritage that separates the artist's body from the fabrication of the work of art itself and the presentation of his individual gestures to the artist. society.