Albano Hernández

Albano Hernández

Born in 1988 in Ávila, Spain, Albano was a scholarship holder of the Taller del Prado for two consecutive years.

Graduated from the Royal College of Art in 2022 (MA Painting), holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid, UCM. The Basil H. Alkazzi Scholarship Award sponsored his studies at RCA, where he got a distinction and won the Hine Painting Prize 2022. In 2012 Albano won the BMW Painting Prize and the Obra Abierta Award three years later.

Since 2003 he has been awarded more than 60 prizes, being the most awarded young Spanish painter of his generation.

His work is part of public and private collections such as the University of Cambridge (UK), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (Spain), College of Spain in Paris (France), José Saramago Foundation (Portugal), António Prates Foundation (Portugal), Iturria Foundation (Uruguay), Ankaria Foundation (Spain), Ars Citerior Collection (Spain), National Library of Spain, BMW Ibérica (Spain-Portugal), Venancio Blanco Foundation (Spain), and UBS Europe SE (Spain).

Albano currently lives and works in Cambridge, UK.