Chikki Chikki

Winx of Desire

Feb. 21, 2024 - Feb. 29, 2024

The Centro Português de Serigrafia (Portuguese Printmaking Centre) is pleased to present the exhibition "Winx of Desire" by Ana Pessoa, also known as Ckikki Chikki, which opens on February 21st, at 5:30 pm, at the CPS gallery at the Centro Cultural de Belém.


Ana Pessoa (b.1998) was the winner of the CPS 2022 Award in the Young Art Competition, an initiative of Carpe Diem Arte e Pesquisa in partnership with the Millennium BCP Foundation. This exhibition is the culmination of an artistic and editorial residency at the CPS provided by the mentioned award.


The exhibition presents the new works created by Chikki Chikki during her residency at CPS: an edition of sculpture multiples in fabric that also give the exhibition its title.


Inspired by works such as the film Wings of Desire (1987) by Wim Wenders and On Being na Angel (1978) by American photographer Francesca Woodman, the artist uses iconography rooted in her own vision to respond to a very specific challenge: design angel prostheses. In a complex interconnection of icons and mythologies, the “Winx of Desire” pieces incorporate "winged beings, talismans and creatures with magical powers" such as Beyblade, Pokémon, Dragonball and Sailor Moon, creating a very particular, rich and captivating habitat.


In parellel, other recent works are exhibited wich offer a unique perspective on the artist's fertile imaginary.


The "Winx of Desire" Exhibition will be on display to the public from February 21st to 29th, from 10am to 7pm. The entrance is free, providing everyone with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the unique expression of Ckikki Chikki.


Chikki Chikki is the artistic name of Ana Pessoa (1998) Salvaterra de Magos. Licenciada em Artes Plástica pela ESAD Caldas da Rainha. Atualmente frequenta o Mestrado em Ensino das Artes Visuais na Universidade Lusófona. Vive e trabalha em Lisboa onde também tem atelier na Associação Goela. O trabalho expressa uma abordagem multidisciplinar a um universo próprio onde habitam Digimons e unicórnios em consonância com outros seres mágicos do seu imaginário próprio. Através da música, do desenho e utilizando vários materiais aliados ao têxtil são construídos lugares de evasão, outros universos e realidades.




Winx of Desire

CPS Gallery at CCB - Centro Cultural de Belém
Praça do Império, Lisbon
Every day from 10am to 7pm
Until February 29th. Free entry.